Page 6 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q2
P. 6
Noelanders Trophy XVI
Bigger, Better, More Diverse
By Gudrun Benz, Germany.
Photos courtesy Bonsai Association Belgium and G. Benz. Formal photos by Willy Evenepoel, Belgium.
The location changed to Genk, a city in eastern
Belgium near the German border. The Limburghal,
a congress center in the middle of the city, offered
Top and middle right; The spa-
cious vendor area. more space for the show and for traders, much nicer
Middle; There was much space and better facilities for the bonsai demonstrations on
between the rows of exhibits. Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
In the middle of the corridors Because many visitors had complained in previ-
red carpets were laid out with ous years that the presence of so many photographers
even more space at each side spoiled their enjoyment of the exhibition, the orga-
so visitors had enough space
to contemplate the exhibits nizer decided on a new policy for taking photos. It was
from close and far distance. forbidden to take photos in 2014, but the rules were
The exhibition hall was lit by he yearly international bonsai show, No- modified and made more precise this year. Exhibitors
artificial light. elanders Trophy is not only well known and traders were allowed to take photographs on Fri-
Bottom; The demonstrators among bonsai lovers in Europe, its reputa- day during the exhibition set-up. Publishers of bonsai
worked on a large stage in tion has spread all over the world as one related magazines and bloggers required a written au-
a very spacious hall, which Tof the most prestigious bonsai events. This thorisation in advance of the event. All visitors were
allowed each of them ample
room to carry out their work. year’s event wasn’t any exception of the ever-increas- allowed to take photographs in the trader’s area and
ing high standard of exhibited bonsai. Nevertheless, during demonstrations.
there were a few new things: there was a new date, a The vendor area was also spacious and partly well
new location, a new photography policy, the number light by daylight. There was the record number of fifty
of traders and visitors was higher than ever, and last traders offering all kind of bonsai related items.
but not least, viewing stones were exhibited again for One hundred and twenty-eight bonsai were on dis-
the first time since 2010. play in the huge exhibition hall. The stream of visitors
The event was always scheduled on the third week- was endless, mainly on Saturday, when many of them
end of January, but this year it took place on 14 and 15 hoped for a bargain at the trader’s area. There were
February, and was favored by sunny weather. about 2, 800 visitors on both days.
4 | BCI | April/May/June 2015