Page 9 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q4
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All four photographs; Opening
ceremonies at the 2015 joint
BCI/ASPAC convention held
in the main auditorium of Sun
Yat-Sen Memorial Hall.
A benefit auction of 26 Chinese viewing stones, Viewing Stones of North America. He was followed
paintings, calligraphy, and two antique pots were by an illustrated lecture on Guangdong Ying Stones by
auctioned following lunch on the first day of activi- Mr. Zhou Guo Xin (China). The third and final view-
ties. The auction was arranged by Huang Jui Wei who ing stone lecture of the day was by Dr. Michal Sebo
also capably served as the overall local coordinator of (Slovakia) who spoke on European stones.
the convention. The proceeds of the auction, $10,000, Both sides of the hallway that circled the huge au-
were given to BCI at the end of the convention. ditorium on the first floor of the science museum
were lined with fine viewing stones, primarily from
The Exhibit, Lectures and Guangdong Province. This outstanding exhibition
Demonstrations: of numerous stones was arranged by the Guangdong
The four-day, joint convention and exhibition was Provincial Viewing Stone Association. Some fine ex-
divided into two parts. The first two days, September ample of the relatively new colorful Ruyuan stones
18th and 19th were devoted to an opening ceremony and the dark ebony colored Black Mountain stones
and viewing exhibitions of trees and stones, followed were displayed. Except for their Yellow Wax Stones,
by a series of bonsai styling demonstrations by Chi- Guangdong viewing stones have been in the shadows
nese and foreign bonsai masters. Concurrent demon- of the well-known and more northerly Lingbi and
strations by Asian bonsai masters Wong Chau Shing Taihu stones. After the first day of demonstrations
(Hong Kong), Zhao Qing Quan (China) and Matsuda and lectures, the evening was capped with a dinner
Mitsuo (Japan) took place on the first day in an au- cruise on the Pearl River.
ditorium packed with observers. Fortunately, a large Attendees returned to the Science Museum on the
screen projection of the demonstrations aided observ- second day of activities to see the next set of bonsai
ers in seeing detailed aspects of the styling techniques. stylists demonstrate their skills. Chen Jian Liang (Tai-
Mr. Zhao masterfully completed one of his famous wan), John Wang (USA), and François Jeker (France)
rock and tree penjing arrangements, while Wong and were on stage in the large auditorium. Wang, with
Matsuda styled individual trees. Also on stage of the amazing speed made a fine example of a “break down”
first afternoon of demonstrations was Gong Linmin style of modern bonsai; while Jeker, demonstrated the
(China), master ceramic artist, who skillfully crafted technique that has made him famous—his fine wood
Zisha bonsai pots for the audience. carving skills. Returning to the stage for a second day,
Lectures on aspects of stone appreciation took place ceramic artist Gong Linmin continued his pot making
in the amphitheater located on the first floor of the technique before another huge audience. Both days
Provincial Science Museum. The first lecture was by of demonstrations were excellent and captivated the
BCI President, Tom Elias (USA) who spoke on the large crowd.
October/November/December 2015 | BCI | 7