Page 5 - Ebook cây cảnh Art of Bonsai
P. 5

Refining an azalea                       122     Making two trees from one                186
        Making a broom-style bonsai              126     Bonsai from the very beginning           192
          Repotting your tree                    129     Wild collected trees                     196
        Making a twin-trunk bonsai              134
        Creating a clump-style maple             140     Plant care directory                    200
        Creating a forest                        144
        Creating a rock planting                 148     Index                                    218
        Creating a penjing-style planting        154     Resources                                223
        Making a root-over-rock bonsai           160     Acknowledgments                          224
        Keshiki cotoneaster                      164
        Rescuing a half-dead tree                168
        Making a juniper cascade                 172
        Creating twisted deadwood juniper        178
        Refining a windswept pine                182
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