Page 14 - Ebook bonsai for beginner
P. 14
Related arts
While “Bonsai“ specifically refers to dwarf potted trees based on the
Japanese model, it is also used as a generic term for related artforms in
other countries, which include but are not limited to the following: Penjing
are the older and original form of Chinese miniature landscapes. They
usually include rocks to represent mountains, hills, and cliffs. Sometimes
they are even all the way up to 10’ (or 3 meter) tall.
Saikei are the newer and smaller Japanese versions of penjing. These
are made with rocks, small plants/groundcovers, and underdeveloped
trees (which could someday become independently potted Bonsai).
Hòn non bô are Vietnamese miniature landscapes from 1’ to 25’ (0.3 to
7.6 m) high, made with rocks, plants and water imitating island scenery,
mountains and surroundings.
Mai-dât are the Thai compositions which are more angular and symbolic,
somewhat likened to stylized dancers’ poses.
Japanese White Pine (Pinus Pentaphylla) by Walter Pall.
Estimated age: 50 years. Height: 1’10” / 55 cm