Page 117 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 117

lr  DEX   11 9

       from  seed 29- 36                    serpentine  layering 44, 44
       vegetative  37-51                    shade for plants 83, 105,  107,
     propagators 34, 35                       107, 108
     pruning 62                             Shakan  20, 20, 66
       conifers  85                         shapes/styles  19- 25
       cuttings 4 1                           shaping methods 53- 68
       deciduous trees  87                  Shari (jin  technique)  68
       indoor plants 91, 92                 shoots, cutting/pinching  back 58, 59,
       maintenance  57- 61,  104              61, 61, 62.  105,  I 06,  106
       root 73-4, 75                        shrubs,  ornamental 88-9, 105
       for  shape  53- 6,  103,  110, 111   side grafting 50, 50
       shrubs 89                            silver fir  85
     Prunus                                 snow damage. preventing  I 02
       amygdalus 89                         soil
       mume 89                                acidity  tests 70
       serrulata 89                           chemical composition  of  13
     pun-ching (rock gardens)  16             see also  composts
     pyracantha 62, 88, 89                  Sokan 22, 23
                                            spring  plant care  103- 5
     R                                      sprinklers 77, 83
                                            spruce 61, 62, 85
     'raft'  bonsai 22, 23                  stooling 44, 44, 107
     rain-gauges  14, 14                    stratification  (for seed germination)
     red  spider mites 97                     30, 31, 32,  109
     repotting 70-6, 80,  104               summer plant care  106-7
       indoor plants 91,  111               sun,  protection against see shade for
       see also  transplan ting               plants
     rhododend ron 89,  105,  105
     rock gardens,  oriental  16            T
     root systems 9, 9, 28, 37
       lshitzuki 20, 21                     Taxus baccata 85
       layering 42- 5                       therm ometers  14, 14,  102
       Neagari  22                          thousand  star tree 24, 92
       pruning 55,  56, 73-4, 75, 9 1,  I I I   tongued  approach  graft 51
       rot  100                             tools:
     rust 98                                  grafting 46, 47,  47, 49, 49
                                              'jin'  68
     s                                        layering 45
                                              pruning 53, 53, 54, 54, 59, 95
     Sabamiki 22, 68                          repotting 72
     samaras (winged  fruits)  12             wiring  63, 63, 64, 110
     Sankan 22, 23, 23                      transplanting 28, 28,  104,  109
     sap, circulation of 8, 8                 see also repotting
     scale insects 97, 97                   tropical plants  14
     secateurs not recommended  54          'trunk wrench'  (in  wiring)  63,  63
     seeds  12                              trunks,  tree 7, 8, 8
       growing from 29-36,  103, 103,  104   turtle  back forms  23
     'semi-cascading'  forms 20, 20, 21 , 66   tweezers 95
     Serissa japonica 24, 92                twisted  trunk  forms 22
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