Page 113 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 113
PHYTOSANITARY A product that SPECIES (spp.) A group of individual
favours the healthy development and plants that exhibit the same distinctive
functioning of a plant by protecting it characteristics. It is the plant unit that
from pests and diseases. provides the basis for classification.
PINCHING Nipping out certain young STEM The aerial part of a plant which
shoots with the finger nails in order to carries the leaves.
limit growth and therefore any irregular
development of the plant. STERILIZATION Destruction of
harmful organisms, fungal spores, weed
PRUNING The removal (with secateurs seeds, etc, in soil or compost by means of
or a saw) of shoots or branches which are heat or chemicals.
old. diseased, damaged or unwanted, in
order to stimulate new shoots. STOCK see Rootstock.
PUDDLING Dipping the roots of a STRATIFICATION A way of prepar-
shrub in a slurry of soil, water and ing seeds to soften or crack their protec-
possibly other nutritious materials to tive shell so as to break their dormancy
help the subject, when planted, establish and make germination possible. Seeds to
itself quickly and strongly. Cow dung is be stratified are spread in layers of damp
often mixed with heavy clay soil. sand in a cold place throughout the
winter, protected from mice and other
R predators that could eat them.
RADICAL In horticultural terms, this
means pertaining to the roots. SUCKER Underground stem growing
from the roots of a plant which can be
ROOT ROT A fungus disease that takes used for propagation.
the form of a mould that attacks the
roots of a tree and eventually rots them T
away. It often results from putting fresh TRANSPLANTING Moving a plant to
manure straight on the roots. its final position where it can develop
fully. A plant can be moved several times
ROOTSTOCK A plant used in propaga- to strengthen its root system.
tion by grafting to provide support,
control vigour and receive the scion. For TRAY A shallow or fiat container, often
the graft to take, the rootstock and scion glazed externally, which is used for
must be compatible, otherwise the scion growing bonsai.
will be rejected. It is not possible to graft v
a conifer on to a hardwood or to graft a
hardwood on to a conifer. VIRAL DISEASE A disease caused by
s the sub-microscopic particles called
viruses. These weaken and distort the
SClON A part of a plant with desirable plant. Any plant sufiering from viral
qualities, eg flowering, fruiting, with disease should be burnt so that it does
attractive form, but a poor or unsatis- not affect other plants and should never
factory rooting characteristic, which be used for propagation purposes.
can be grafted on to the rootstock of a w
similar plant.
WIRING Method of training a tree, by
SEED SOWING Quite simply the wrapping a metal wire (usually copper)
method of reproducing plants sexually around trunk or branches to produce a
by germinating seeds. predetermined shape.