Page 112 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 112
HARDY Plants capable of withstand- NEUTRALITY Chemical state of a soil
ing harsh climatic conditions, especially which is neither acid nor alkaline on the
frost. pH scale.
HEELING IN Planting temporarily in NODE The point of origin, often slightly
a trench whilst awaiting final planting swollen, of any leaf on a stem.
when ground is properly prepared, soil is
in right condition or container is ready. NURSERY BED An area set aside in a
garden for sowing and planting out
I young plants before they are moved to
INSECTICIDE A toxic product used their final growing positions.
in various forms to kill insects and mites.
IKADA A single tree laid horizontally OPPOSITE ARRANGEMENT This is
with vertical branches. quite simply an arrangement of leaves or
branches which grow face to face on a
J branch or trunk.
JIN A technique of artificially ageing
branches and trunks by removing the OVERWINTER To bring plants into
bark, bleaching with acid and polishing the shelter of a greenhouse, a cold-frame
the wood. or indoors in late autumn to protect
them from winter frosts or cold, damp
L conditions.
LAYERING A way of propagating p
plants which involves encouraging an
aerial shoot to form roots, then severing PARASITE Primarily plants that grow
it from the parent to obtain a new plant. on others and then feed off them, but the
Many plants layer themselves naturally. term is also used for certain insects and
M other creatures that prosper to the detri-
ment of the host plant.
MANURE Fertilizing and soil improv-
ing material which will provide the plant PERENNIAL Any plant which lives for
with the kind of food that will help it several years, unlike an annual which
develop. It should only be used when completes its life cycle in one year or a
well rotted. biennial which completes its life cycle in
two years.
MISTING Damping over plant foliage
with a mist of water. A technique used PESTICIDE A formulation for destroy-
mainly on young plants raised from seed. ing animal organisms detrimental to
plant growth.
MOSAIC A viral disease which seriously
depresses growth characterized by pH The scale which is used to measure
mottling of the leaves. the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. The
soil is said to be neutral if its pH equals
MULCHING This cultivation tech- 7.0. It is said to be acid if it has a lower
nique is used to protect plants by cover- pH than this and to be alkaline if it has a
ing the surrounding soil, and sometimes higher pH than this. If the acidity of the
the crown of the plant itself. It gives soil is too high or too low for a particular
protection from the cold and prevents plant it will not grow well and may die, so
evaporation of moisture from the soil. it is useful to know the soil's pH.