Page 15 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 15


       the weight of years, the arrested foliage   iar chord with this  nation of born gar-
       of these  stunted  plants  reproduces  the   deners  who  lovingly  manicured  their
       most capricious shapes nature is capable   lawns,  treating  them  like  the  family
       of in  a  tree's  highest  branches.  It has   jewels. Since then, bonsai has acquired a
       taken generations of men to produce the   wider  audience,  abandoning  to  some
       delicate  gnarling  of  the  branches,  to   extent  its  traditional  mystique.  It was
       restrain the powerful drive of the sap, to   not  until  1914  that  the  first  national
       constrain  these  forest  giants  and  coax   show  was  organized  in  Tokyo.  Since
       them  to grow in just a  few  square feet.   then it has become an annual event.
       This seemingly bizarre taste, this appar-  ln other parts of the world the appear-
       ently childish whim is one of the many   ance  of Japanese  bonsai  was  not  fol-
       and  varied  aspects  of their consuming   lowed  by  any  great  enthusiasm.  This
       passion.'  Bonsai  may  not  have  been   'cunning  cultivation'  attracted  only  a
       taken up in France, but it was certainly   few skilled devotees who delved into the
       noticed.  The  description  given  shows   secrets of those who 'challenged nature',
       that these plants were true bonsai, as we   almost always at the cost of a lengthy trip
       understand  them  today.  It  is  evident   to Japan. It was not until a century after
       from the report that the writer had seen   bonsai first appeared at the Paris exhibi-
       the basic bonsai wiring techniques and   tion  that Europeans discovered  a  pas-
       had been shown some examples a  hun-  sion  for  bonsai.  This  love  affair  goes
       dred or even several hundred years old.   beyond a passing fancy and demands a
         ln 1909 at the universal exhibition in   deeper and better understanding of bon-
       London, the English gave a  resounding   sai  cultivating techniques. This is  what
       welcome to bonsai, which struck a fa mil-  this  book is about.

                   First appearance of bonsai  in  Europe, at the  1878 World  Fair in  Paris.
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