Page 17 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 17



      A large part of the art of bonsai consists   cutting, pruning and wiring the plant to
      of imitating nature, by shaping the trees   the chosen shape. These 'official' shapes,
      grown in trays to look like those found in   the formation of which will be described,
      the countryside or forest. T his is why the   all  originate  from Japan.
      most widely used shapes have been given   To obtain these chan~cteristic shapes
      names, which make up an official  cata-  requires  a  degree  of  skill,  adaptable
      logue of some of the characteristic forms   material, and above all, a  great deal of
      from  which  the  bonsai  enthusiast  can   patience.  For a  tree,  unlike a  man, has
      choose.  The  tree  must  conform  to  the   eternity  before it - particularly when it
      type chosen, the whole art consisting of   benefits from careful tending.

         A magnificent example of the informal upright shape (moyog1)  created in a  200-year-old  pine.
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