Page 26 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 26


          Where to look
          Even  if there  is  no  legal  restriction  to
          collecting, the location still needs to be
          suitable for producing potential bonsai
            Stunted growth in trees can only result
          from conditions unfavourable to normal
          development.  This could  be caused  by
          the  area's  climate  (high  altitude,  for
          example),  poor  light  (such  as  dense
          undergrowth or permanent shade from a
          cliff),  or  even  poor  soil  (in  sandy
          moorland or stony ground, perhaps).

                                                 Before transplanting a tree collected from the wild,
          When to lift                          its roots should  be trimmed.
          In principle, all transplanting should be
          carried  out during the plant's dormant
          period  before  the  year's  growth   How to move
          commences.  The  considerable  climatic   The essential function of roots is to allow
          variations in areas where there is a good   the tree to 'drink' and this is why it is vital
          chance  of finding  suitable  bonsai  ma-  to  keep  them  moist  during  transport.
          terial  make  it  difficult  to  pinpoint  the   The most natural way is to take a  little
          correct months for transplanting. But as   moss, moisten it and wrap it around the
          a rule of thumb, deciduous trees should   roots. If you cannot find any moss,  use
          be transplanted in autumn and conifers   cotton  wool.  The  wrapped  root  ball
          in early spring (through to mid-spring in   should  then  be  covered  in  plastic  or
          temperate zones). In either case, plants   aluminium  foil.  If transport is  to  take
          should not be lifted while frost persists:   several days, the rootball must be moist-
          the ideal time is after rain, when the earth   ened again. For trees with only a few fine
          is  well soaked.                      roots,  and  especially  outside  the  dor-
                                                mant season, spray the tree with a trans-
                                                planting spray.  This should  be allowed
          How to lift                           to  dry  before  the  tree  is  lifted.  Before
          The  roots  of a  tree  form  a  complex   wrapping,  the  roots  should  also  be
          network  often  searching  far  into  the   sprayed. This spray acts as a sealant and
          earth for the water and nutrients it needs.   helps to stop the tree losing moisture by
          To give the lifted  tree the best chance to   transpiration,  thus  giving  it  a  greater
          become  established,  roots and  rootlets   chance  of surviving the shock of trans-
          should suffer as little damage as possible.   planting.  Some  recommend  trimming
          The plant should never be wrenched up:   the  roots  and  foliage  before  transport,
          take the utmost care to dig a trench deep   just after lifting. This consists of pruning
          enough to ensure that all the roots can be   some  of the leaves and  the  ends of the
          lifted, with as much  of the surrounding   roots to  limit evaporation through  the
          earth  as  possible.  Also  take  some  soil   leaves and  to make absorbing water at
          from around  the tree to ease the transi-  root  level  easier.  It  also  provides  an
          tion  from  nature  to  tray.  It  is  more   opportunity to re-establish the balance
          important to lift deciduous trees with as   between the  branches and  roots.
          much of the surrounding soil as possible,   Cut  only  a  little  foliage  from  a  tree
          than  it  is  for  conifers,  which  can  be   which has many roots and cut only a few
          transplanted with almost bare roots and   roots  from  a  tree  which  has  sparse
          still  have a  chance of establishment.   branches and  leaves.
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