Page 29 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 29


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                                             A sieve is essential for creating a fine-textured soil
                                             mixture for seed-sowing.

                Stratifying tree seeds.

      Where to sow

      For  most  trees,  the  ideal compost  for
      seed-sowing  consists  of equal  parts  of
      peat,  loam  and  sand.  This  standard
      composition can be adjusted to suit the
      special  demands  of particular  species.
      Although this mixture suits most plants,
      it cannot be used for heath land shrubs,   FiUing a  traditional clay pot with  sieved compost
      which need a  very acid soil.          mixture.
        The  best  for  these  seedlings  is  pure
      peat, or peat with sand. Take particular
      care to ensure that the potting compost is   moved  to  prevent them  growing at the
      kept  moist.  So  as  nol  lo  impede  the   same  time as the tree seeds sown.  Such
      development of young roots, the potting   'weeds'  are  difficult  to  remove  later
      compost should be cleared of the larger   without damaging the seedling.
      impurities and any pebbles which it may
      contain. It may even be useful to pass it   CO  TATNERS
      through a coarse garden sieve. Any soil   Once the seedling has sprouted its first
      used to cover the seeds should be passed   pair  of leaves,  it should  be  potted  on
      through  a  fine  mesh  garden  sieve.  To   several times. Great care should be taken
      prevent disease, the soil should be disin-  not to damage the seedling or its roots.
      fected with a product based on formalin   The  roots  are  especially  delicate  and
      or with steam. This could produce good   should  not  be  pruned  at  this  stage.
      results  with  earth  taken  from  nature,   Therefore the container used for sowing
      which  should  be  carefully  passed   can be considered temporary and not as
      through  a  sieve.  Any  unwanted  seeds   important as the tray in which the bonsai
      and  fragments  of root  should  be  re-  will  later be planted.
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