Page 33 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 33


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      A  wedge  will  raise  the  sheet  of glass  enough  to   Seedlings planted out in a nursery must be protected
      permit air to circulate and  prevent condensation.   from  direct sun.

                                             remain above lOOC (50°F) and there is no
                                             night frost, simply stand on a  balcony.
                                             T here  is  normally  a  risk  of  frost  in
                                             temperate zones from late autumn, and
                                             so  seeds  should  then  be  taken  in  and
                                             stood  in  a  cool  place  near  a  sunny
                                             window.  Make  sure  that  watering  is
                                             frequent  enough  if the  room  tempera-
                                             ture is warm and the atmosphere dry. It
                                             may be necessary to stand the container
                                             in  water  regularly  once  the  seeds  have
                                               Once you have sown your seeds, you
                                             will need a  great deal of patience, since
                                             most  tree seeds take  several months  to
      When seedlings sown  in trays have developed, they
      must  be  planted out.                 germinate.  Some  may  not  even  sprout
                                             until the following year!
      with compost  should  be  watered  from   In every case, regular watering and a
      below by standing the container in a tray   constant temperature will increase your
      containing  water  until  the  compost  is   chances of success. Even before its birth,
      saturated.  Be  careful  that  the  water   the  embryonic  bonsai  demands  com-
      which  rises by capillary actio n does not   plete devo tion!
      disperse  the  seeds  when  it  reaches  the
         A  propagator  is  an  ideal  container:   Initial care
      keep the pots in it in a shady place at a   Germination  is  followed  by  the  rapid
       temperature  of  15-2o·c  (60- 70.F).   development of the  young  plant which
      Trays and bowls should be covered with   q uickly  develops  roots,  loses  its  seed-
       a sheet of glass, leaving one corner open   leaves and produces true leaves. But the
       to  let the air circulate, to limit evapora-  seedling remains fragile and so a watch-
       tion  and  to keep the soil surface at the   ful eye should be kept o n it. Make sure
       right temperature. If you do  not have a   the  moisture level  is  adequate  to  keep
       sheet of glass, stand the containers in a   the plant growing but not excessive,  so
       frame or, if the temperature is likely to   it  encourages  fungal  disease,  such  as
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