Page 43 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 43


      Air layering                          roots.  Roots grown by this method are
      This  is  a  completely  artificial  way  of   particularly delicate and although they
      propagating, which offers a  number of   will  be tightly wrapped around the new
      advantages  for  bonsai  creation.  Well-  tree, you should not attempt to unravel
      formed  plants can be obtained quickly   them. Once the tree is  planted they will
      but,  most  important,  the  girth  of  its   unravel  themselves  naturally.  Separa-
      trunk is that of a much older established   tion and planting should only be carried
      tree. The technique is relatively simple,   out  during  dormancy.  Air  layering  is
      though the results cannot be guaranteed.   also useful for shortening the trunk of a
      Be warned that a branch prepared for air   bonsai which has grown too tall.
      layering is irretrievably damaged, if the   This  method  of propagation is  par-
      operation is  not a success.          ticularly suitable for indoor plants and
        As with simple layering,  this method   for those raised in a greenhouse, since it
      will  allow you  to choose which  part of   is  easier to keep the moss  in which  the
      the branch you use. Its shape should suit   roots grow damp in the controlled envi-
      the  style  of bonsai  you  wish  to  grow.   ronment of a greenhouse.
      Unlike simple layering,  air layering al-
      lows  you to use  part of a  branch  from
      any level  of the plant.
        You  will  need  a  very  sharp grafting
      knife, a polythene sheet, a piece of string
      or raffia or two elastic bands, and some
      moss cut from the base of a tree, perhaps.
      Select the  part of the  branch  that will
      form  the  base of the  bonsai, make two
      cuts right round the branch, 2-3 em (i
      1!  in) apart, taking care not to damage
      the  wood.  Carefully  remove  the  bark
      between the  two incisions and sprinkle
      some  hormone  rooting powder on  the
      exposed part with tweezers. Then cover
      with damp moss and form a sleeve from
      the polythene to keep the moss in place.   In  air layering, a  ring is cut in the branch chosen.
      Tie  to  keep  the sleeve  tightly  sealed  at
      both  ends.  Roots  will  grow  into  the
      moss.  This  takes  about  one  to  two
      months for deciduous trees but three to
      six months for conifers, which are more
      difficult to produce by air layering. The
      incision can  be ringed with copper wire
      which is inserted in the cut to slow down
      sap circulation, causing the tree to grow
      new  roots  in  an  effort  to  survive.  Air
      layering  is  usually  most  successful  in
      spring, at a time of most active growth,
      when the leaves first appear.  Obviously,
      the layer should not be severed from its
      parent until its roots are well developed.
      The roots will usually grow through the
      polythcnc  sheet  on  their  own.  The
                                            The  incision  is  treated  with  hormone  rooting
      branch can then  be cut below  the inci-  powder  and  wrapped  in  damp  moss.  It is  then
      sion,  taking  care  not  to  damage  the   enclosed in  polythene.
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