Page 40 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 40


        This  technique  is  similar  to  taking
        cuttings to  the extent that it is based on
         the principle of producing spontaneous
         root  growth  from  a  shoot.  But  in
        layering, rooting takes place without the
        cutting being separated from its parent.
        Roots develop after a part of a branch is
        buried  in  the  soil  or  in  other  medium
        conditions that favour rooting. This is a
        gentler method of propagation, since the
        cutting  is  not  severed  from  its  parent
        until it is well rooted.
           There are many different methods of
         layering and we  shall describe only the
                                               1.  The part of the layer to be buried in the ground
         most familiar.  A  broad distinction  can   should be stripped of its leaves.
         be made between ground layering, where
        a  branch  or shoot is  bent down  to  the
        ground, and air layering.

        Here roots grow where a branch or shoot
        is in direct contact with the earth. This
        type of propagation is considered spon-
        taneous,  insofar as it is often  found  in
        nature on plants with trailing branches,
        such  as wild  rhododendrons.
        This technique  is  most  like  the  natural
         phenomenon.  A  low  branch  is  bent
        down to the ground, where it is held in
        place  by a  wire  hoop. The  part  of  the
         branch  touching  the  ground  is  lightly   2.  The defoliated part should be dipped in hormone
        covered  with  earth, the  rest  being  sup-  rooting  powder.
        ported by a stake. To stimulate rooting,
        the buried  part should be brushed with
        hormone  rooting powder  and  its  bark
        lightly scored.
           Simple layering is usually carried out
        during  the  dormant  period,  so  roots
         should appear in spring. The layer can be
        severed from its parent in  autumn, but,
         to be quite sure, it can always be left  till
         the end of the following winter.
          To root a layer in a pot, just bend the
        parent branch  into a  pot, then  proceed
        exactly  as  above.  As  some  branches
         might not be inclined to sit in the pot in
         the way you would like them to, particu-
         lar  care  should  be  taken  to  secure  the
                                               3.  Bury the part of branch you  wish to layer and
         potential  layering to stop  it 'springing'
                                                 hold  it in  place with a  ring or metal hoop.
        from the pot.
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