Page 81 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 81


     Outdoor bonsai                        high  winds  and  hot  sunshine  can  dry
     As we already know, this group makes   trees out very quickly. It is advisable to
     up the majority of bonsai.  Contrary to   provide a  strong windbreak and also to
     all  appearances,  a  bonsai  is  no  more   watch for rapid drying out.
     delicate than its big brother in the forest.   Jn a  garden, stands can be protected
     Neither rain, wind nor sun will harm it -  from the hot sun by a slatted shade made
     provided  it is  adequately watered.  Re-  of plastic or wood. If you have a  really
     sistance to frost varies from one species   extensive  bonsai  collection,  try  to  mix
     to  another,  but  as  a  rule  all  bonsai   the  species  and  cultivars,  to  create  an
     benefit  from  protection  once  the  tem-  interesting and artistic display.
     perature  drops  below  YC  (41 oF)  and   An  outdoor  bonsai  garden  should
     there is a risk of frost. Some trees, like the   have  one  or  more  water  connections,
     pines,  firs,  cedars,  beeches,  ginkgo  or   depending how large the garden is, since
     yews, need no more than a simple cover-  the trays do not contain much soil and so
     ing, such as a sheet of plastic, in a severe   the  trees  risk  drying  out  rapidly  in
     frost.  Many  others,  like  maples,  elms   summer. If you have a  large collection,
     and  fruit  trees  in  general,  should  be   you  should  install  a  watering  system
     taken  indoors  into  a  cool  room  (lOOC   with overhead pipes, with a succession of
     (50°F)  maximum)  when  there  is  any   sprinklers  set  at  regular  intervals.  Of
     danger of frost. All indoor bonsai can be   course,  the  ideal  is  to  install  an  auto-
     taken  outside,  providing  the  tempera-  matic  programming  device  which  will
     ture does not drop below YC ( 41 OF). It is   control watering.
     essential  to  protect  the  base  of bonsai   Where  possible,  avoid  watering  in
     trees  kept outside in winter and conse-  broad daylight and exposing wet leaves
     quently, the tray itself, since the roots do   to direct sunlight. This is where shading
     not  have  a  thick  covering  of earth  to   comes in useful. Bird droppings may also
     protect them. Simply use straw, or cover   cause a problem. These can be prevented
     with leaves or peat.                  by fitting an awning with narrow slats. It
                                           is best to water first thing in the morning
     DISPLA YTNG YOUR OUTDOOR              and then check again later in the day.
     The importance of bonsai presentation
     is obvious, since much of their charm lies
     in the harmony between the plant and its
     container. How you display your bonsai
     outdoors is equally important. Whether
     you use only a balcony or patio, or even a
     complete bonsai garden, it is vital never
     to stand the plant directly on the ground,
     unless it is a very old tree of considerable
     size. The ideal position is just below the
     line of vision.
       Use stands that provide different lev-
     els and will let excess water drain away.
     Treat the wood with a non-toxic preser-
     vative to stop the wood  rotting.
       If using  a  window  sill  or  balcony,
     make sure  the  pots  are  very  stable,  so
     that  there is  no danger of their  falling
     over  in  a  high  wind.  The  higher  the
                                           Outdoor displays look  attractiYc  when  placed  on
     balcony  the  more  problems  can  be   slatted wooden staging. Here is an interesting group
     caused  by  wind.  The  combination  of   growing on  a  rock.
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