Page 92 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 92
Bonsai are particularly prone to attack
by a variety of pests and diseases. This
problem is exacerbated by the very re-
stricted habitat in which they are grown.
Because of their reduced size, they are
more drastically affected by pests than
their giant brothers in the forest. Yet it
cannot be said that bonsai growing
techniques actually aggravate the situ-
ation (except with greenhouse-grown
tropical plants). The most effective pre-
ventive treatment is regular cleaning of
the plants, to avoid creating conditions
favourable to pests and diseases.
After pruning or pinching, make sure
that the earth around the base of the
trunk is free of leaves and other plant
debris. Otherwise the debris is likely to
decompose and create just the right
conditions for fungal diseases or moss,
Sweep away the leaves after pruning. A compact,
which set up root rot. This will eventu-
traditional brush should be part of every bonsai
enthusiast's tool kit. ally lead to the death of the tree.
Use a spatula very carefully to scrape the bark of the Moss which grows up the trunk or trunks can easily
tree. The bark can harbour insect pests and their be brushed away, as shown here, with a bard nylon
eggs or lan'ac. toothbrush.