Page 87 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 87
Species Description Pruning Pinching
A::.alea Sec Rhododendron
Camellia japonica Glossy evergreen leaves, Spring, Throughout the
(Japa nese camellia) flowers from mid-winter to before the growing period
spnng new leaves
Cotoneasrer Small glossy leaves, green, Spring, At the start of
!Jori::.onralis turning red in autumn, red before bud summer to two or
berries, upright habit burst three buds. Trim long
shoots in autumn
Cra/C/egus spp. and Thorny, with small dentate Spring. At the start of
cvs. (hawthorn) leaves and white, pink or before bud summer to two or
red flowers and decorative burst three buds. Trim long
fruits in summer shoOls in autumn
Jasminum nudijlorum Green, square-section Early After flowering; also
(winter jasmine) branches with cascading spring, just reducing excessively
habit and a profusion of after long shoots in
yellow flowers in winter flowering autumn
Malus spp. a nd cvs. Shiny oval leaves, ilowers Spring, Reduce shoots in
(Cra b apple) ranging from white to deep before bud early summer, shape
pink, cherry-sized red fruits burst in autumn, prune in
Prunus mume Small, oval leaves, slender Spring, just After flowering, and
(.Japanese apricot) growth, bright pink flowers after with limited
in winter flowering trimming in summer
Prunus umygdalus Pointed, slightly dentate Spring, just After flowering
(almond) leaves, white flowers in after
winter flowering
Prunus serrulara and Oval leaves, white to pink Spring, After flowering, then
cvs. (Japanese flowers mid to late spring after throughout the
cherry) flowering growing season to
two or three buds
Pyracanrha Thorny, with evergreen At the end Late spring, then
angus! !julia pointed leaves; white of winter excessively long
(fircthorn) flowers in summer; yellow. shoots in winter
ora nge or red autumn fruits
Rhododendron spp. Shiny pointed evergreen 1 ust after In summer remove
and cvs. leaves, profusion of flowers flowering faded flowers; trim
in late spring long shoots
Wisteria spp. Pale mauve flowers in Early Remove excessively
hanging cl usters in late spring. long shoots in late
spnng preserving summer
the young