Page 95 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 95


      caterpillars.  Sometimes they develop in                    !'
      the leaf and flower buds.                                   I  :I
        Caterpillars  are  not  always  easy  to
      eliminate,  as  they  are sometimes  resis-                 i'
      tant  to  insecticides.  Remove  them  by
      hand  where  you  see  them  and  destroy
      them.  An  insecticide  powder,  which
      stays on the leaves longer, can give good
      results,  as  the  caterpillars absorb  it  as
      they eat their way through the leaves. It
      may be possible to catch some species in
      a saucer of glue placed at the base of the                  ,,
      tree. This will prevent moths from climb-
      ing the tree at night in autumn and laying
      their eggs on  the leaves.                         Scale insect

      Scale insects                         tiny,  red  spider mites are  visible  to  the
      Minuscule insects which cling firmly  to   naked eye because of their bright colour.
      branches and trunk, protected by a scaly   The  tetranychus group are  particularly
      outer shell. These insects are destructive   voracious.  the  adult  mite  piercing  the
      pests. The female penetrates the plant's   backs of the leaves to suck out the sap.
      skin and sucks out sap. Like aphids, they   They  most  frequently  attack  conifers,
      encourage the spread of fungal and viral   the  needles  of which  then  turn  yellow
      diseases. Control with an oily insecticide   and  drop.
      in  winter,  then  scrape  away  any  dead   Mites are quite resistant to insecticides
      bark.  Eggs  will  continue  to  develop   (which are formulated to kill insects, but
      under the shells of dead insects. It is vital   not necessarily mites).  Special products
      to  burn all  debris  from the scraping.   are  hard  to  find.  The  most  effective
        Another  method  is  to  dip  a  small   treatment  is  to  prune  away  and  burn
      paintbrush or cotton bud in  methylated   infested  branches.
      spirit. This can then be painted on and
      around  the scale.
                                            Ants  are  formidable  pests  in  several
      Insect larvae                         ways. Due to their fondness for aphids,
      Some insects may lay eggs in the bonsai   on whose excretions they feed, they can
      compost,  that is,  in  the  root ball.  The   almost be said to 'farm' them, since they
      larvae which hatch arc especially fond of   convey them  from one plant to another
      young roots, which they devour, depriv-  plant  and protect them from  predators
      ing the plant of nourishment. So keep a   such  as  ladybirds. In  order to  be  near
      watchful  eye  open  during  repotting,   their food,  ants also tend to congregate
      when you can destroy larvae with your   in  nests  in  the  soil  around  the  roots,
      fingers.  You  could  also  use  a  suitable   causing  havoc  in  the  root  system  and
      insecticide like HCH .                cutting through roots as they carve out
                                            tunnels. The sole remedy is to set a trap
                                            for them on the surface of the root ball.
      Red spider  mites                       lfan ant's nest is set up in the root ball,
      For  long  mistakenly  thought of as  in-  the only solution is to lift the plant from
      sects,  red  spiders  are  actually  mites,   its tray. Brush off the soil  and eliminate
      about which  relatively  little  is  known,   as  many  larvae as possible.  When  dis-
      due  to  their  microscopic  size.  Though   turbed, ants are easily dislodged.
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