Page 98 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 98


           With most fungal control, prevention   through a flame). The only effective way
         is  better  than  cure.  For  instance,   of controlling  canker is  to  cut  out  in-
         although powdery mildew is treated by   fected areas - cutting away a branch or
         simple methods, it can be very persistent.   removing infected  tissue.  Be careful  to
         Therefore  start  treating  potential  mil-  dress the wounds made in this way with
         dew victims before the mildew appears.   mastic to help them heal and to exclude
                                               further  infection. It is  vital  to  burn  all
                                               diseased wood immediately and to steril-
         Root rot                              ize the tools you have used.
         This serious  fungal  disease affects only
         the  roots.  It is  most  often  caused  by
         contamination from poorly decomposed   Viral diseases
         organic  fertilizer  used  straight  on  the   These are, fortunately, seldom encoun-
         roots (fresh manure, for example). The   tered,  for  one  can  only  control  this
         fungus is  encouraged  by  over generous   trouble by destroying infected plants to
         watering, poor drainage and by standing   stop  the  disease  spreading  to  other
         the contai,ner on a  tray or saucer.   plants and becoming an epidemic.
           As  root  rot affects  the  underground   The most dangerous  viral  disease  of
         part of the plant, it is difficult to treat. If   cultivated  plants is without doubt mo-
         you are worried, you should examine the   saic,  which  appears  as  a  mottling  -
         roots carefully when lifting or repotting   alternate  green  and  yellow  stripes  or
         the bonsai. It is hard to combat root rot.   other shaped areas - on  the  leaves, and
         The  best way is  to  remove  all  infected   by  a  highlighting of the leaf veins.  The
         roots,  which  could  itself  have  grave   leaves eventually shrivel, dry up and fall.
         consequences  for  the  bonsai,  as  the
         imbalance between roots and top growth
         could  kill  it.  Lift  the  plant  and  brush   Control materials
         away all contaminated soil as quickly as   The chemical products used  to  control
         possible.  After  transplanting  in  fresh   these  diseases  are  offered  either  as
         compost, spray the foliage well  to com-  dilutable liquids (or  powders to  be dis-
         pensate for the water the plant roots are   solved  in  water),  or  as  powders  to  be
         unable to  provide.                   used in that form . So you need a sprayer
                                               and a  powder blower as well.
                                                 The sprayer is also valuable for damp-
         Canker                                ing over the plants' foliage as necessary,
         This is  a  bacterial  rather than a  fungal   so it is  an  indispensable item of equip-
         disease, which shows as swelling of the   ment.  A  powder blower,  on  the  other
         bark and callosities. It often arises after   hand, is used less frequently, and only in
         pruning  with  tools that  have  not been   special  situations. What is more, some
         sterilized  after cutting infected material   products  which  are  offered  in  powder
         (which shows the wisdom of passing the   form can only be used  when conditions
         blades  of a  grafting  knife  or secateurs   are right for dusting.
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