Page 167 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 167

Autumn is best planted into a seed tray or a pot where watering and placement

               can be controlled more easily than if planted straight into the ground. Use a fast
               draining mix of organic soil, a 1:1 mix of multi-purpose compost and sand is
               ideal though their are also many ready-mixed seed composts available at garden
                    Fill the seed container 1/2 to 2/3 full of compost, press it down lightly then
               distribute the seed evenly across the surface. Next, cover the seed with another
               layer of seed compost 2-3 times the thickness of the seed. Finally, cover the
               surface of the compost with a very thin layer of grit or sharp sand to keep the
               seed weighted down. Keep the compost moist at all times but never soaking wet;
               water very gently to avoid disturbing the soil surface and the seed.
                    The seed tray can either be placed outside to germinate naturally, or for seeds
               that are being germinated out of season or in unfavourable climates, the seed tray
               can be placed indoors or in a greenhouse on a windowsill that receives only a
               little direct sunlight.
                    For germination, most seeds need temperatures of between 10-15°C. Seeds
               from subtropical climates need temperatures between 13-18°C and seeds from

               tropical species require temperatures between 19-24°C.
                    After Germination
                    At first the seedlings will display two small immature leaves called
               cotyledons, these will nurture the seedling until it produces its first 'true' leaves
               at which point the seedlings can be pricked out and planted into individual pots
               still using a seed compost. The compost should be kept damp at all times but
               never allow to become too sodden as this can result in loss of the seedlings.
                    Do not start to feed the seedlings until 5 or 6 weeks after pricking out and

               fertilise very gently as the immature root system will burn very easily.
                    As the seedlings continue to grow into saplings they can continue to be
               potted on until they are large enough to be grown in the ground or used
               immediately for bonsai training.

               Bonsai From Cuttings


                    Raising  new  plants  from  cuttings  is  one  of  the  most  reliable  ways  of
               propagating. In general, the technique involves taking a small piece of material
               from a living plant. After inserting into a rooting medium, the cutting is able to
               produce new roots and is then carefully nurtured until large enough to be potted
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