Page 169 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 169

lower third of cuttings and for semi-ripe cuttings also remove soft tips. Reduce

               large leaves by half.
                    Hardwood Cuttings
                    Hardwood  cuttings  are  taken  in  Autumn  (after  leaf-fall)  to  early  Winter.
               They consist of the leafless shoots of fully ripe growth up to 1" in diameter. Trim
               to 15-23cm (6-9") if possible, with the top cut just above a bud or pair of buds
               and the bottom cut just below a bud or pair of buds.
                    Rooting Mediums

                    Cuttings should be dipped into rooting hormone and inserted into a seed tray
               or  plant  pot  of  a  standard  pre-mixed  cutting  compost  or  equal  parts  peat  (or
               substitute) and perlite or sharp sand.
                    Ensure that the compost is kept damp at all times but do not allow to become
               too  wet.  Cuttings'  leaves  should  not  be  allowed  to  touch.  Watering  with  a
               fungicide solution will lessen the chances of fungi infestation.
                    Maintaining Cuttings

                    Softwood  cuttings  need  to  be  placed  in  a  propagator  to  ensure  humidity
               levels are kept high and moisture loss is kept to a minimum. Alternatives include
               placing  the  cuttings  container  in  a  plastic  bag  or  frequent  misting.  Softwood
               cuttings need to be kept at 18-24°C if at all possible. At this time of year, this
               usually  means  placing  on  a  bright  windowsill  out  of  direct  sunlight.  Fallen
               leaves should be removed daily to avoid fungal growth which can kill cuttings.
               As the cuttings start to grow strongly, propagator covers or plastic bags should
               be removed. Softwood cuttings can start to show signs of growth within 2 or 3
               weeks, they do not however root for far longer and should not be disturbed or
               repotted until roots start to appear at the bottom of the container. It can take as
               long  as  a  year  before  softwood  cuttings  are  strong  enough  to  be  potted  on
                    Semi-ripe  and  ripewood  cuttings  should  also  be  placed  in  a  covered
               propagator to ensure high humidity levels, though at this time of year (Summer
               or early Autumn) the container is normally placed outside where temperatures of
               around 21°C  are ideal.  Do  not  place  in direct,  hot sun  which  can dry  out  the

               cuttings before they are able to root. As with softwood cuttings, remove fallen
               leaves on a daily basis and keep the compost damp but not soaking wet. Semi-
               ripe  and  ripewood  cuttings  are  normally  strong  enough  to  be  potted  on  the
               following Spring.
                    Hardwood cuttings should be placed outside and do not require any cover;
               there are no leaves to lose moisture and humidity levels during the Autumn and
               Winter are naturally high. Hardwood cuttings require no more protection from
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