Page 65 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 65
How Often Should Bonsai Be Repotted?
Bonsai need repotting when they become pot bound. A bonsai is considered
to be rootbound when its roots entirely fill the pot and there are long roots
circling the rootball or inside of the pot. In some cases, roots will also be seen to
be growing out of the drainage holes at the base of the pot.
The time a tree takes to become rootbound varies from one year to five. A
number of factors affect the amount of time a tree takes to become rootbound in
its pot; different species of tree have different levels of vigour. Fast growing
species and individual plants (Figs and Privet for instance) tend to require more
frequent repotting and rootpruning. Other factors that contribute to regular root
pruning include size of container, development of rootball (a dense established
rootball will not require as frequent repotting), and the age of the tree, older trees
are not as vigorous and require less frequent repotting.
The rootball should be checked for its condition annually in Spring; gently
ease the tree out of its pot and examine the rootball. If the roots of the tree are
still contained within the soil, the tree can be returned to the pot and repotting
can be left for another year.