Page 67 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 67
The 4 Stages of Spring Buds
Stage One, Winter Buds: The Winter Buds on most trees are tiny and are
typically colourless. At this point the roots are also dormant. The majority of the
trees resources are contained within the roots.
Stage Two, Swelling Buds/Bud Swell: A period of time after the roots begin
to wake in early Spring, the buds on the branches will begin to swell. In many
(but not all) species, the swelling buds will have a stronger colour than those that
are still dormant (Winter buds).
It is at this stage that new adventitious buds can appear on the trunk and
existing branches of the tree.
Stage Three, Extending Buds/Bud Extension: The buds will lengthen, take a
stronger colour and in many cases appear to be on the verge of opening. By this
point the majority of the tree's resources are no longer in the roots but in the
above ground parts of the tree.
This is the best time to repot and root prune as the roots are very active and
can repair themselves rapidly, and the majority of the trees resources are
contained in the tree. In other words, pruning and removal of the roots will not
deplete the tree of energy.
Stage Four, Bud Burst/Bud Opening: The buds open and the tiny new leaves
begin to appear. Repotting must be finished by now.
Identifying the 4 Stages