Page 35 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 35
This term is used to describe all the
techniques by which plants are grown
other than from seed. This means pro-
ducing roots from growing branches.
This category also includes grafting,
although here two plants are linked
rather than root growth being produced.
Without doubt, this is the simplest and
speediest method of propagation. It is
also a method with the best chance of
obtaining a plant similar to the parent
plant, which is not so likely from seeds.
Roots have to be produced by a livit'lg
twig cut fi·om a tree, so it can pursue an
independent existence. In principle,
given the right conditions, it should be \II tht materials necessar) for taking cuttings: soil
~and. pots, hormone rooting powder and, of course.
possible to take cuttings from any plant.
fre h cuttings.
Direct contact with water should
cause the cutting to grow roots; this can
be easily proved by putting a twig in a
glass of water, although this method
usually only succeeds with plants with
good rooting properties, like succulents.
Woody twigs require special conditions
if they are to make lasting roots.
Use a sharp blade (such as a budding
knife) or good secateurs, to make a clean
cut. Disinfect the blade with alcohol or
form alin or by sterilizing with a flame to
prevent the spread of infection.
The simplest method is to cut a twig
about 15 em (6 in) long. Trim the base of
the cutting diagonally (simple cutting)
and remove its lower leaves. You can
also cut a section of the parent branch
with the twig (T-shape cutting) or keep
some of the bark of the branch (heel
T he compost mixture used for rooting cuttings
cutting). The latter method has the ad- consists of peat and sand. Mix it well so it has a
vantage of exposing more of the uniform colour.