Page 101 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 101


                       EARLY SPRING

      This is a  period of dramatic change for
      plants, a  transition  from  the  rigours of
      winter  to  the  milder  temperatures  of
      spring. Early spring is a hazardous time
      when there is still a  risk of severe frost,
      particularly  at  the  beginning  of  the
      month, at a  time when the young buds
      may  have  started  to  grow  after a  mild
      winter.  Watch  out  for  any  serious
      changes in the weather, bearing in mind
      that winter is hardly out of the way yet.
        Watering is a skilled operation at this
      time of year, as budding plants require a
      Jot of water, but this puts their root balls
      at  risk  from  frost  if  the  temperature
      drops sharply.  During this  period,  it is
      well  worth protecting trees at night and
      when  the weather  is  overcast and  then
      placing  them  in  a  more  exposed  spot
      when  the  weather  is  fine  and  mild.
      Anyway, watering should  be limited, as   The  absence  of leaves makes  wiring easier.  Make
      overwatering when it is warmer will lead   sure the wires do not mark the bark.
      to  excessive  budding (bad  for  bonsai),
      which then calls  for early pinching out.
      Do not  use  fertilizer  until you  are  sure
      the plant has started its growing period,
      as this would cause the tree to grow too
      quickly,  with  the same effects as exces-
      sive  watering.
        Most trees should be pruned for shape
      before they start growing (usually during
      the first three weeks of early spring). It is
      not a good time to do wiring, as the sap
      on  deciduous  trees  should  be  flowing
      freely before they are wired.
        If you have some shelter (a cold frame
      or even better a greenhouse), early spring
      is the ideal time for seed-raising. In good
      conditions,  the  seeds  will  take  a  few
      weeks to come up, taking advantage of
      the milder mid- and late spring weather
      to  germinate  and  grow.  For all  early
      flowering plants, such as jasmine, now is
      the time to cut away all  faded  blooms.
      Any of these which  are left on  the  tree
                                            If you do  not have a cold-frame, sow the seeds in a
      could encourage fungal disease. It is also   dish  instead.  Cover  the dish  with a  sheet of glass,
      a  good  time for grafting.           propped open  slightly.
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