Page 102 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 102
This is a period of intense growth, (par-
ticularly in nortliern regions), though
there is still a risk of frost, especially
during the earlier part of this period.
However, a drop in temperature will no
longer freeze the soil ball through - but
the more tender outdoor trees must still
be protected.
The earliest weeks of mid-spring are
considered to be the best time for trans-
planting conifers, though it is usually too
late for deciduous kinds, which are by
then in full growth. It is also an excellent
time for grafting, particularly for cleft
grafting conifers.
Spring-blooming shrubs are at their
best, ablaze with colourful flowers. As in
early spring be sure to cut away all dead
blooms whenever necessary. As soon as
the shrubs have lost all their flowers,
If plant growth is too rapid, do not hesitate to pinch they can be pruned to shape. Do not
out conifer buds. delay pruning, which must be carried out
before new buds appear, as blooms are
always borne on the previous year's
wood. Any delay in pruning will stop
them blooming the next year.
If the season is particularly mild, try to
limit over-rapid growth by restricting
watering, the use of fertilizers, and by
pinching out if necessary. Late in mid-
spring is also a good time to lift outdoor
conifers. It is also time to start trans-
planting in northern regions, provided
the soil has thawed out completely.
This is a good time to repot conifers
(before they start into growth) and also
to prune their roots.
Mid-spring, like early spring, is a good
time for seed-raising. If the seeds are
sown in pots in a cold frame, ensure that
they are exposed to the air as soon as
they begin to sprout, but to shade them
from strong sunshine. Seeds and seed-
lings should be watered moderately, as
overwatering in a confined area could set
Now is a suitable time for cleft ~rafting. Do not
forget to seal the graft with mastic hefore binding it off damping-off disease which quickly
to help protect it from diseases. kills the young plants.