Page 106 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 106
Temperatures and sunlight are gradually
decreasing. But it is still necessary to
keep an eye on the plants' watering
needs, as we can get some very hot days.
Keep layers watered so they are ready to
be separated from their parent before the
next spring.
This is a particularly good time to take
cuttings from conifers and to transplant
them. Adult plants should be cleared of
their yellowing needles.
Autumn is the time to start using
fertilizers again to boost the plants' diet
ready for winter.
Pinching is no longer necessary, as the
shoots have stopped growing.
Treatment against insects and fungi
should be continued, as the warm,
stormy late summer days particularly
encourage greenfiy and fu ngal diseases,
The time is now perfect fur laking cuttings. To such as blight and powdery mildew.
facilitate rooting, coat the base of each cutting with It also pays to protect fruits against
hormone rooting powder.
attack by birds and wasps .
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Place the cutting in a small pot (here of plastic), firm Young plants set out in a nursery bed or in a cold-
the compost with the thumbs to hold the shoot in frame should be shaded from the sun with some
place and water well. temporary shading such as blinds, slats or netting.