Page 104 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 104


                       EARLY SUMMER

                                               The end of spring is marked by intense
                                               growth  of foliage,  resulting  from  the
                                               great  development  of the  shoots. This
                                               must be restrained by frequently inspect-
                                               ing the plants and pinching them even to
                                               the  extent  of pruning  away  the  leaves
                                               altogether.  This  helps  miniaturize  the
                                               next generation of leaves.
                                                 With more sun, more attention should
                                               be  given  to  watering,  which  in  some
                                               circumstances will have to be done sev-
                                               eral  times  a day.
                                                 Light  plays  a  direct  part  in  shoot
                                               development, so  it is  necessary  to  turn
                                               outdoor bonsai  regularly  to  avoid  any
                                               imbalance in the branches which would
                                               be tricky to rectify later.
                                                 Vigorous growth makes early summer
                                               the ideal time for certain types of grafts,
                                               notably cleft  and crown grafts, particu-
        The abundant shoots of this juniper must be pinched   larly on conifers.
        out in early summer. The softest of them are easily   Most deciduous trees can be wired in
        remoYed  with the fingers.
                                               early or mid-summer.

         Excessively long shoots on deciduous trees inust be   Crown grafting giYes excellent results at this time of
         pruned. Here, special tree scissors with large han-  the year, providing of course, subjects suitable for
         dles are being used  to make accurate cuts.   bonsai are chosen.
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