Page 82 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 82
Conifers space of lime- within just a few years.
These trees arc named after their charac- Conifers are generally hardy and
teristic fruits, or cones. Most of them a re therefore require a minimum of care.
evergreens, which gives them a con- For this reason, they are good trees for
stancy of form, regardless of season. the beginner to grow. In many cases, all
This is not to say that they do not drop you need do is pinch out the buds and
their 'leaves'- usually needles- although shoots in spring and clear up the dead
these are replaced at once by new needles in autumn. They like a sunny
growth, which is why these trees arc position, but take care that the root ball
always green. does not dry out. (Most conifers origi-
Conifers lend themselves particularly nate from the drier regions of the world
well to bonsai treatment. Pines above all and do not need a great deal of water).
submit happily to pruning and their The bark of old conifer trees should be
branches and trunks can easily be wired regularly scraped, since it often harbours
to form arching shapes. They can make parasites - a common example is
spectacular specimens within a short overwintering greenfly eggs.
Left, drawin~ of the fruit (cone) of a cedar and right, Group comprising left a Pinu.~ parvijiora and, right,
chamaecyparis ·fruits. a Carpinus japonica.
Almost upright 40-year-old Pinus tlumberKii. This Juniper on a rock. It takes a classic shape which is
is one of the easiest conifers to grow. particularly ett'ective as a bonsai.