Page 83 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 83
Species Description Pruning Pinching
Abies alba (silver fir) Short, spiky evergreen spnng, Early summer (two
needles, upright cones before bud thirds of the shoots)
Cedrus spp. (cedar) Short, spiky evergreen spring, Late spring - mid-
needles, dark green before bud autumn (two thirds
burst of the shoots)
Chamaecyparis spp. Evergreen, habit varies; spring or All year round (two
and cvs. (false slow developer autumn thirds of the shoots)
Cryplomeria japonica Slow developing evergreen; spring La te spring - early
(Japanese cedar) green foliage turns red- summer (at the third
bronze in autumn node)
Juniperus chinensis Leafy evergreen, sea green spnng, Early spring - early
(Chinese juniper) in colour autumn autumn (two th irds
of the shoots)
Juniperus rigida var. Na rrow, sharply pointed spring Early spri ng early
nipponica (needle evergreen needles; cones autumn (drastic)
juniper) blue, green or reddish
Larix spp. and cvs. Deciduous needles, pale spring, Summer
(Ia reh) green in spring, turning before bud
darker in summer a nd gold burst
in a utumn
Picea spp. and cvs. Erect evergreen needles, spring, Early spring- mid-
(spruce) pendant cones autumn summer (debud if
growth is luxuriant)
Pinus parv(fiora Small fine bluish green spn ng, Debud in late spring
(Japanese white pine) needles a utumn
Pinus !hunbergii Strong, robust dark spring, Summer (remove
(Japanese black pine) greyish-green needles autumn shoots completely)
Tax us baccata (yew) Blunt evergreen needles, spring, Late spring- early
dark green; bright scarlet before bud summer (reduce
'berries' (arils) burst number of shoots)