Page 86 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 86
Ornamental shrubs (some with flowers appearing before the
The group of ornamental shrubs in- leaves) sho uld be pruned as soon as the
cludes any shrub which is decorative by blooms wilt, whereas later flowering
dint of its leaves, flowers or fruit. The shrubs (late spring or summer) should be
species may vary considerably, since all pruned in winter, or before growth be-
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they need to have in common is their gms 111 spnng.
decorative appearance. Flowering or frui ting is always spec-
We should differentiate between win- tacular on bonsai, because of the profu-
ter, spring or summer flowering shrubs, sion of tiny flowers and fruit, and their
those producing fruit similar to that of dwarf size, less noticeable than that of
normal fruit trees, such as the apple, and the leaves.
those with brightly-coloured, purely or- The majority of ornamental bo nsai
namental berries. shrubs are outdoor kinds, but some of
Growing methods can differ consider- those originating from the Mediterra-
ably, as do the pruning methods. In nean area should be protected from frost
general terms, early flowering shrubs in winter.
Cotoneaster (left) is often confused with pyracantha Cotoneaster is prized for its decorative fruit and its
(right), though they are quite different. foliage, which turns red in autumn.
Valued for its attractil'e white or pink flowers in An azalea in bloom is one of the most magnificent
spring, a crab apple tree produces tiny decorative sights in bonsai. It demands good acid, peaty
apples in autumn. hcathland soil.