Page 107 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 107



      Mid-autumn  is  marked  by  a  gradual
      slowing down and eventual cessation of
      growth,  the maturing of fruits and  the
      falling of the  leaves.
        This is the time when deciduous trees
      look  their  best,  maple  trees  taking  on
      magnificent flame red  leaf tints.
        This gradual ceasing of activity makes
      it  possible  to  collect  and  repot  plants,
      particularly deciduous trees, conifers be-
      ing  best transplanted in spring.
        Fertilizers can be applied throughout
      the mid-autumn  period.
        Also  continue  tidying  up conifers  by
      removing  the  old  needles.  About  half
      way through  this period,  the first  night
      frosts can  be  expected, so it is  time to
      start protecting the most tender plants.
      Do  this either by  bringing  them into a
      cool, well ventilated room or by covering
      them at night.                        Deciduous  trees  arc  starting  to  take  on  their
        Watering will depend on the weather,   magnificent autumn tints.  Sweep away any leaves
                                            that fall  on  the  root  ball.
      as the warm autumn sun can still dry out
      the root ball. Avoid spraying the foliage,
      as this is no longer useful and could even
      be  harmful,  as  it  tends  to  encourage
      fungal diseases.
        Fruit  trees  (particularly  apple  trees)
      are at the peak of fruiting, enhancing the
      autumn foliage tints. Towards the end of
      this  period,  the  ripe  fruits  will  start  to
      fall. They should not be left on top of the
      root ball, as they could give rise to fungal
      diseases  as  they  decompose.  For  the
      same reason, dead leaves  that fall from
      the trees should be swept away. Though
      it is too late to graft decid uo us trees, it is
      still possible to graft conifers throughout
      the  dormant  period.  Gradually  reduce
      watering of the cuttings kept in a green-
      house or a cold  frame and pot up those
      which  are well  rooted.
        Start  stratifying  any  tree  seeds  with
      hard shells. Spread them in pots of damp
      sand in a cold place, at the foot of a wall
                                            Fruit trees are ... fruiting! It is remarkable that the
      for instance. Wherever you place them,   tiny fruits (here crah apples) are  in scale  with the
      make sure there is  no risk of frost.   bonsai - a  miracle of nature!
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