Page 108 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 108
Winter is approaching and the leaves are
dropping quickly now, except for the
beeches, which retain their leaves for
most of the winter, dropping their dead
leaves only when the young shoots start
to sprout.
Remember to protect or bring in any
tender bonsai, as the first serious frosts
can be anticipated during the later part
of this period. Bringing them in does not
mean putting these plants in a heated
frame or greenhouse, which would only
disrupt their cycle of growth. They
should be stood in a cool, well-lit, well-
ventilated place, where the temperature
never rises above 6-8oC (43--46oF).
When the leaves drop, carefully exam-
ine the bark on the branches and trunk
for any signs of green fly or larvae. lf you
find any of these pests, scrape the bark
Some impressive equipment used for wiring trees. and check as well any bends in the tree
From left to rig Itt: wire cutters, branch cutters and and places where it was pruned the pre-
scissors. Keep them sharp.
vious year. Any bark which is in poor
condition should be removed with a jin
scalpel (see page 68) and the scar covered
in mastic.
Pruning for shape can start in late
autumn, particularly o n deciduous trees,
though it should be limited to correcting
the smaller growth, leaving any major
work on the branches until the end of
winter. Winter is the period just before
the tree starts to grow again.
Stop giving fertilizer at the end of the
late autumn period.
Reduce the amount of water you give,
as the plant no longer needs much. By
soaking the soil, you will only encourage
fungal diseases, especially on the roots.
From now on conifers can be wired,
which is an essential part of bonsai
training. Do not wrap the wire too
tightly otherwise the bark may be
marked when growth starts again.
Protect young layers against frost by
Now the leaves of this weeping willow hal'e fallen, it
is time to check and correct the wiring which was mulching or mounding and protect any
carried out in the summer. cuttings left in a cold-frame.