Page 111 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 111
cultivar can differ considerably from the DOWNY MILDEW A disease that
species itself by the shape of its leaves or mainly attacks vines and potatoes,
the number and colour of its petals. though also a number of other plants. It
shows itself as mouldy patches on the
CUTTING A technique of reproduction leaves surrounded by a halo. These
used for propagating plants. Part of a patches dry out from the centre.
plant (root, branch, bud or leaf) is cut off
and rooted to form a new plant. The new E
plant subsequently reproduces the ETIOLATION This is a blanching or
qualities and defects (diseases for yellowing of the leaves, caused by lack of
example) of the parent plant. light which prevents photosynthesis tak-
ing place.
CUTTING BACK This is the trimming
of the foliage and roots of a bonsai plant EVERGREEN The characteristic of a
before repotting or transplanting it into plant which retains its leaves beyond the
a nev.r container. annual cycle of growth. (Many conifers
are evergreen). Evergreen means the
D opposite of deciduous.
DAMPING OFF The collapse and
death of seedlings or young plants after F
they have germinated. This is caused by a FIBROUS ROOTS These are the fine
group of fungi living in the soil or capillary feeding roots that develop from
compost. It can be avoided by always the main anchoring roots of a tree.
using fresh compost for sowing seeds.
FOREST A multiple arrangement of
DEBUDDING Removing one or a pro- bonsai in a single tray to give the illusion
portion of the buds from a bonsai to of a miniature forest.
limit the number of shoots and therefore
leaves that develop when growth begins FUNGICIDE A chemical product for
tn sprmg. treating fungal diseases.
DEGEN ERA TTON The progress1ve
deterioration of a plant d ue to old age or GALLS These are swollen growths that
viral disease. result from the activity of various para-
sites. They can also be formed as a
DECIDUOUS The habit of shedding all defence mechanism by the plant when it
the leaves annually; a characteristic of has been damaged.
many trees and shrubs. The opposite of
evergreen. GRAFTING The method of joining
together two compatible plants in order
DIVISION A method of reproducing to reproduce the qualities of the one in
plants by splitting well-rooted clumps the other; the stock provides the roots
into smaller pieces, each with at least one and the scion provides the top of the
strong shoot and good root system. Each plant with the desired flowering, fruiting
of these pieces will quickly develop into a or other qualities.
new plant.
GROWTHS Young branches in the
DORMANT PERIOD A period when a course of development, consisting of
plant rests (often during the winter shoots and leaves. One must distinguish
months or during a period of drought). between shoots that have flowered and
A dormant period is sometimes induced those that have not if one is to thin
artificially to speed up growth. successfully without damaging the plant.